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A group of women co-creating at a table painting with watercolors.
By Renée Fidz & Renee Garcia March 20, 2025
What happens when a creative process, one that once took days, weeks, months, YEARS, is now compressed into one click of a button? What is lost in the pursuit of convenience, speed, and affordability? And what might the spread of AI-generated content might mean for the future of news and research.
A field of yellow daisies growing in the grass.
By Renee Garcia March 4, 2025
A reference guide to understand the language I use and the deliverables we can create together. Carefully crafted list of simplified definitions for words I use on a daily basis as a creative designer. They are familiar to me, but I understand that they might be new to you. I am constantly adding to this list as I have conversations with clients and associates.
valley of green lit up by rays of sun coming through the gray clouds above
By Renee Garcia December 13, 2024
Reminders for fellow eco-entrepreneurs and purpose driven brands who might be feeling the weight of the climate crisis on their shoulders. Click for some encouragement and inspiration to continue towards your daring mission!
Woman sitting in front of a couch on the carpet with her laptop in her lap
By Renee Garcia November 13, 2024
There are so many challenges when it comes to selecting the best platform for your business, building a website, and making sure everything is accessible. I certainly learned a lot during both builds, but I would have rather made the right choice for me the first time around. Click to learn about my rough website building process to help you avoid a few headaches.
Shrub and grass filled field with winding road leading up to surrounding hills
By Renee Garcia & Angela Ellison August 20, 2024
In this end of summer season, I’ve been thinking about times of change. The once blooming flowers are dropping to the ground, gardens are full of abundance, and surrounding colors in nature are starting to shift. Life has many twists and turns—it’s easy to get lost along the way. Today Angela and I will be sharing some of our entrepreneurial and life experiences that have pushed us to explore something new.
Photo of a woman facing a computer watching analytics.
By Renee Garcia July 10, 2024
Tempting as it may be to mimic along when we see a cool trend, this may not be the best thing for our business. Our tastes change over time, so it’s natural to want to change things up accordingly. That’s why it’s important to create a brand rooted in strategy. When we know our ideal client / customer, we can ensure our brand continues to reflect their interests. In a world where people seem to be longing for authenticity, don't be afraid to be stay true to yourself.
Chess board shown from one of the corners
By Renee Garcia June 18, 2024
Of course there is no one like YOU! Don’t let that go to your head when you are setting the foundation for your brand. It’s easy to be fooled into thinking that there is no overlap between your target audience and those of another business. Read more to learn how to identify your business competition and learn about shifting your mindset around the idea of competition.
Open, rose with petals around the edges wilting a bit while pulling further away
By Renee Garcia May 15, 2024
You might be asking yourself—what is a logo family and why might I need one? Let’s walk through 3 reasons to expand your brand assets to create a logo family.
A joyful black woman holding an umbrella under a gorgeous blue and cloud filled sky
By Renee Garcia April 9, 2024
This post was inspired by recent conversations and reflections with my dear friend Angela from Angela Ellison Creative who went through a major rebrand at the start of the year. Her rebrand was one of my favorite branding projects to date—we both are in love with how her visual identity turned out and, as her designer, I could not be more proud of how well she is transforming all her brand touch points. Knowing when to rebrand is really tricky, this guide might help you make the right choice for you and your business.
Photo of Renee, with shoulder length red hair and glasses. Smiling and sitting on a wooden bench in a park with her laptop.
By Renee Garcia February 24, 2024
People might claim to have the quick solution, an easier path to reach your goals, but the truth is it isn’t likely to be happen overnight. It takes time to establish a business, standards and processes that work for you. What works for someone else might not work for you, people are all unique and their businesses should reflect that. Click to read about signs you might be ready for a change.
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